Freedom Donations Privacy Policy & Terms of Service
>>> All data is transmitted over a Secure connection using high-grade 256-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption and our identity is verified and backed by warranty to our end-users via Sectigo.
>>> We only submit your credit card number, expiration date, and CVV data to the payment processor. For security purposes, we do not store any of this information.
>>> We store your name, address, IP address, and other relevant info in our database for our records. Unless the option was given on the contribution/order form for you to "Opt-In", you may receive information via email from us or selected sponsors. In addition, we sometimes share our information with selected sponsors if we deem their messages may be of interest to you. Only your contact information will be shared. Never at any time will we transfer your credit card number or any other financial information, unless required by law. There will be opt-out information at the bottom of each email sent with instructions on how to unsubscribe your email address from future messages. If you would like to opt-out, you may email us at any time at
>>> Whenever you are done using our site, we highly recommend you close all open browser windows. This clears out all active information from your browser, and helps to ensure that your credit card number and other information cannot be viewed by any third-party.
Refund Policy
>>> We will refund your donation or purchase at any time within six months of your transaction. Please send your full name and address that was used for the transaction, the date of your transaction, your donation ID (if available - listed on your confirmation) and any other details to and we will contact you once your refund has been issued, usually within five business days.
Recurring Donations Policy
>>> Some of our clients offer recurring donations. If you set up a recurring donation, your card will be charged immediately for the initial donation. You will then be charged with the frequency and duration with which you selected. The frequency of a recurring donation is based on days (A monthly donation equals every 30 days, a quarterly donation equals every 90 days, etc). The total duration is calculated from your initial donation and is based in months.
Example: A recurring donation is set up for $50 monthly for six months, starting 2/1/25. A six month duration means you will be charged for a six month period, and that the latest you will be charged is 8/1/25, six months from your initial transaction. This will result in seven donations on the following dates (every 30 days) within that period: 2/1/25, 3/3/25, 4/2/25, 5/2/25, 6/1/25, 7/1/25, 7/31/25.
>>> You will only receive an email confirmation for your initial transaction. You are under no obligation to continue your recurring donations and you may cancel it at any time before it completes by emailing us at
Please email us at if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you.