Declaration Alliance


Demand Congressional Hearings
Stop The Dismantling Of America


Obama's former Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein; his wife Samantha Power, Senior Director of the National Security Council; as well as Attorney General Eric Holder are all acolytes and beneficiaries of George Soros-funded globalist initiatives like the Open Society Institute, and have actively participated in on-going efforts seeking to effectually rewrite the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights in ways that will fundamentally transform the document into a Marxist Manifesto by the year 2020.

They have also consorted and evidently long conspired with anarchist and seditionist Stephen Lerner, who was caught in a closed leftist organizing session conspiring to "put a boot in the wheel" of the American economy – plotting to crash the stock market and orchestrate a complete banking collapse – in an effort to force Marxism upon the masses.

The Obama Administration and the Department of Justice can no longer be trusted to protect America and enforce the laws. Eric Holder has proven he will NOT prosecute or even fully investigate leftwing Obama colleagues and supporters, and Holder himself is now implicated in attempts to destroy America as a Constitutional republic. Therefore it is up to Congress to ensure the rule of law is upheld.

We have very little time. CONGRESS MUST ACT NOW!

Fax Congress and demand Congressional hearings into the leftist plans to crash the American economy and rewrite the Constitution!


Select your fax option:

Rep. Darrell Issa, Chairman of Oversight & Government Reform
for just $19
All 100 Senators for just $39
All 435 Representatives for just $59
ALL 535 Representatives  & Senators for just $69
MOST EFFECTIVE OPTION: ALL 535 Representatives & Senators in Home Districts and Capitol Hill for just $129**
**It's true – Politicians are keenly interested in your feedback at their home district offices. By flooding both home districts and Washington offices with faxes, your concerns are much more likely to be addressed!

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Declaration Alliance PAC is a multi-candidate qualified, non-connected, non-party political action committee, duly registered with the Federal Election Commission. We are dedicated to advancing the truths of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution in responsible self-government. We support those who stand in defense of our unalienable rights, endowed us by our Creator God and enshrined in our nation's Founding institutions of justice. Thank you for keeping faith and joining with us!