Sign the petition to
Defund and Derail Obamacare NOW!
The GOP holds the majority in the U.S. House, which under our Constitution controls the purse strings of government. If Republicans will UNITE and keep their campaign promises, they ABSOLUTELY CAN DEFUND OBAMACARE NOW—simply by refusing ALL appropriations for the Obamacare Individual Mandate in the Continuing Resolution that must be reconsidered January 15, 2014.

If Republicans hold strong, do not SABOTAGE THE DEFUND EFFORT in the House, and reach across the aisle to vulnerable Democrats up for reelection in 2014—they can stop Obamacare.

REJECT Mitch McConnell's proposed sell-out capitulations to Obama, and FLOOD the Republicans in Congress WITH THE PETITION BELOW DEMANDING they sign Senator Mike Lee's letter and thereby pledge to OPPOSE the government spending bill ("CR") if it funds the grossly inequitable and unachievable Obamacare Individual Mandate for 2014.

Mike Lee's letter: "For these reasons, we will not support any continuing resolution or appropriations legislation that funds further implementation or enforcement of Obamacare."

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I REJECT Mitch McConnell's proposed sell-out capitulations to Obama; the Republicans in Congress MUST HOLD FIRM in DEFUNDING OBAMACARE in the January Continuing Resolution! The FAILED, onerous, and unconstitutional burden known as Obamacare can be removed from the American people if Republican members of Congress will KEEP the promises on which they ran and have been elected, and will DEFUND and DERAIL the Orwellian Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

With the current fiscal fight over the Continuing Resolution being our last chance to successfully resist—and ultimately defeat—Obamacare before MILLIONS more fellow citizens lose their healthcare insurance and America's insurance industry is irreparably destabilized by Obama's sabotage, this means House Speaker John Boehner and Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell must do their jobs as Congressional leaders and UNITE the Republican Conferences of both chambers in battle. America needs nearly 100% GOP support for the Sen. Mike Lee pledge to defund the unaffordable, un-American, and unwanted federal government takeover of our medical, health insurance, and healthcare systems!

The October 2013 shutdown WAS Obama's decision, and the public is inclined to hold him now accountable. The CR Obamacare battle should continue in January, if the Congress will only demonstrate the courage of their convictions.

The GOP must not fear another showdown with Obama; both chambers need to keep in mind that when Republicans were blamed when President Bill Clinton vetoed their spending bill and shut down the government in 1995, THEY RETAINED THEIR MAJORITY IN 1996.

Election 2014 is right around the corner—and we WILL VOTE FOR those actively working for us to KILL Obamacare and VOTE OUT those working against us.

Obamacare can be halted if Congress refuses further collaboration with Obama in this travesty and does not collude or cooperate further in its implementation and funding—and if the duly-elected Republican Congress performs its duty and ensures Obamacare's illicit revenue streams are destroyed.

The unconstitutional and unlawful PPACA MUST be starved of funding AT LEAST on this most vulnerable point—the already disputed and imperiled Individual Mandate.

I DEMAND your support in principle for Sen. Mike Lee's thoroughly vindicated letter and strategy pledging to defund Obamacare during the upcoming budgetary battle and fiscal fight over the Continuing Resolution. The common good and will of the people SHALL prevail if Republicans in both chambers unite in solidarity to do WHAT IS REQUIRED BY THEIR SWORN OATH:
    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
Have the wisdom, principle, and foresight to recognize the obvious ruin of liberty and fiscal solvency that the PPACA will inevitably bring upon our nation—and stand tall and strong against it, resist its coercions and false blandishments of federal "benefits," and fight with us to save our republic by DEFUNDING in the January 15, 2014, Continuing Resolution the Individual Mandate of this abominable Act NOW!

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